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Online Scheduling for TOI’s Express Ortho Clinic in Gainesville Now Available! Book an Appointment

Enhancing your care and optimizing your surgical experience from the very start.

The Optimization Clinic was designed to help enhance the patient’s surgical experience by identifying and managing risks prior to surgery in order to improve the patient’s outcomes. At the Optimization Clinic, we want you to feel your best going into- and coming out of – surgery. Our goal is to make your surgery as safe as possible, keeping your hospital stay to a minimum and help to get you back home partaking in your favorite activities as soon as is safely possible. Our care team is committed to making sure you are medically prepared for your scheduled surgery.

Who needs to have a Preoperative Optimization appointment?

Anyone planning to have an elective joint replacement will need to schedule an appointment with our Optimization Clinic Nurse Practitioner. This will be scheduled by your surgeon’s office once you have decided to schedule your surgery.

How to Prepare and What to Bring

Please bring the following with you for your Optimization visit:

    • Copies of EKG, cardiac stress tests, echocardiograms done within the last year.
    • Copies of Chest X-Rays and/or pulmonary tests done within the last year.
    • Laboratory test results done within the last six months


Depending on your medical history and physical examination, your care team may need to order specific lab/blood tests, and other preoperative testing to ensure you are optimized for surgery.

Why is the optimization appointment important?

Please bring the following with you for your Optimization visit:

  • To identify and manage any risks prior to surgery that can potentially lead to surgical and postoperative complications.
  • To try and minimize the need for inpatient rehabilitation or extended hospital stays.
  • To make sure you are healthy enough to successfully recover from your surgery.
  • To ensure that you are adequately prepared for the recovery phase of surgery by giving you tools beforehand that will help your rehabilitation.

Where is the Preoperative Optimization Clinic located?

The Preoperative Optimization Clinic is currently offered at TOI Ocala – 4600 SW 46th Ct Ocala, FL 34474 | Phone: 352-620-1909

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